Thursday, December 20, 2012

Gluten-free Fried Rice

This is a very easy recipe that my aunt showed me how to make.  This recipe is actually something that I ate constantly when I first started eating gluten-free because it was cheap and easy and I was in college and did not have the time or money for much else.  This is also a great recipe for left-overs and you can easily make as much or as little as you would like.  This is an imprecise recipe that can be modified and made your own. 


Some kind of meat (this time I used pork but I often use chicken and sometimes beef)
Rice (already cooked; I used left-over rice from the night before)
2-3 cups frozen veggies
2-3 Tablespoons oil (sometimes I need more sometimes less)
2-3 eggs
2 Tablespoons soy sauce (sometimes I use more sometimes less; La Choy is a good GF brand but double check the label!)
onion powder, garlic powder, and ginger to taste (you can also use an actual onion and garlic diced)


1.  In a large skillet scramble the eggs; remove when cooked
2.  Add the oil and your choice of meat; cook until meat is done
3.  Add vegetables and spices; cook until crisp
4.  Add rice, egg, and soy sauce; cook until hot all the way through and all the ingredients are thoroughly combined. 

Pretty easy huh?  It is also very delicious!

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